Images via Hanna Andersson
Meet the lovely and spunky personality, Hanna Andersson. She's one of the duel from Panty House of Sweden and a lover for all things music and fashion. I hope to see your face soon Hanna. Miss you! Visit her blog: Inspired By Kittens and Panty House of Sweden.
Birthdate: October 26th Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Visual Merchandiser Graduate/Shop Assistant
Location: Örebro, Sweden
Who is your style icon?: I get my inspiration from a lot of people and places! But to pick a few, I would say Mary-Kate Olsen, Erin Wasson, and our Swedish fashion bloggers Elin Kling and Marcelia Mravec. But also, from people I just see on the streets and various blogs like The Sartorialist, Stockholm Street Style, Wildfox, Oracle Fox, and a bunch of tumblrs...

How would you describe your sense of style?: I think I would call it something like "Scandinavified California girl"...haha. If that makes any sense? I usually change my style a lot...But right now, I'm much into the 70's silhouette with high heels, wide pants, cropped tops and fur coats (fake ofc!). I also love to dress myself in a lot of denim, like shorts, jeans and jackets combined with a flannel shirt or just a white tee. I love to mix styles and I think my signature look probably would be a pretty dress combined with boots like Dr. Martens!
What are your top favorite items in your closet?: My favorite items tend to switch as fast as I buy new. But the ones that have lasted the longest would probably be my Levi's 501 cut off shorts, a hot pink 60's mini dress I made, a leather jacket, and my Dr. Martens!
And what is on your wish list?: I put together a wish list collage for you! It's a watch from Michael Kors, bracelet from Dallas & Carlos, a Wrangler Australia denim jacket, Voluspa crisp champagne candle, Black Lac Dr. Martens, Wildfox tee, O.P.I. Rainbow nail polish, and a green card for the U.S.! ;) haha. Too bad I'll have to wait a year for next Christmas...
Tack gumman! Puss puss och kram!
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